Letting Go The Fear of Being Judged


Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/charming-woman-covering-face-with-notebook-in-office-4149079/

There were many opportunity that I failed to grab just because I care to much on what other people think about me. The fear of being judged doesn’t even bring me anywhere.

I still remember the days when I rejected some invitations to fill out events just because I was scare and not feeling good enough to do so. Even though that time, I know that I like doing presentation so damn. I like standing in front of people and telling my ideas about certain things, but the fear stopped me.

It was a big regret tho. But I am not gonna blame myself about it anymore. I am trying to admit that there were acceptable reason and condition that makes me be such a coward.

I met my friend weeks ago and change my mind after that. A deep talk about ‘why we don’t go anywhere’ brought me into a conclusion that we mostly used to be shy.

The shame is a gift and essential feeling for human being. But the important thing is how you gonna use your shame. Like don’t put your shyness in the wrong place tho. The fear of being ashamed and judged actually not gonna last forever.

It happened weeks ago when I tried to send my first post on LinkedIn. Yeah it was frustrating me. LinkedIn was so professional and I really afraid on what other people professionally think about me. I am scare that no one will like my post or somebody will find that my portfolio is not that good.

Kinda silly, but for me it was a big move, lol. And the funny thing is… afterwards there’s nothing happen. Nobody even give bad response to it. They just hit the thumbs up as a response. My fear was exaggerated. I am not getting any harm, tho. All the worst scenario just happened in my head.

Today, I found an article about How to overcome the fear of getting started’ written by my favorite blogger, Ali Abdaal. The article accurately speaks my mind out.

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